Dress Rehearsal for Recital 2024

Video courtesy Marcie Clowry

Recital Photo Gallery 2024

Photos courtesy Justine MacDonald, Sara Graves and Tracey Wooden

Extra costume drop-off dates

July 8 - July 12
Please drop off your costume at the Hants Border Hall between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm

GMB Dancers head to Horton!

The Year-End Recital is a big deal!

There are lots of exciting feelings, including nerves. Knowing the lay of the land and what to expect helps.

Parents and guardians are not allowed backstage with the dancers unless they are volunteers. Although this can be difficult for first-time dancers and their loved ones, it is important that no one becomes the exception and that everyone follows the same protocols.

Knowledgeable and friendly volunteers are responsible for the young children backstage and can help with last-minute costume fixes, makeup touch-ups, comfort and support. Please be mindful of your dancer's drop-off time so no one misses a thing.

Dropping off, picking up and staying to watch

Dancers must sign in and out in the drop-off and pick-up area, which is beside the school office, through the front entrance.

Although there are several pick-up times throughout the evening for students who wish to leave after rehearsing, all dancers are welcome to stay and watch the entire rehearsal.

If your dancer wants to stay until the end, we are finished at 8:30 pm :)

What to pack

Shows and rehearsals can become a lot of 'hurry up and wait.' While there will be some fun and unique assignments for dancers to accomplish while they wait, and we plan to broadcast the show backstage on a big screen for them to watch, consider packing a few quiet activities, like colouring pages and pencils or books.

Cheese and crackers, grapes or dried fruit, dry sandwiches, and cut-up veggies are great clean snack choices. And don't forget a water bottle!


Audience members are welcome to park in any available spot.

Recital Fees

  • Session 4 | 1 hour class = 110.40/session | 45 minute class = 82.80/session

  • Session 4+ | 1 hour class = 55.20/session | 45 minute class = 41.40/session

  • Costume Fee | 20.00 per class

  • Audience Tickets | 15.00 per seat

What is a Costume Fee?

Costuming is an integral part of a polished performance.

Material and labour to create costumes can be costly, and we can outgrow our dance costumes quickly. Unfortunately, this expensive yet temporary performance necessity can contribute to an unsustainable practice of purchase and discard.

GMB Dance is building a costume library for the dancers who need them now and for future generations. A sustainable costume plan helps support our families and dancers year after year.

The 20.00 costume fee helps build our wardrobe!

After the show, you can either:

1) Purchase the costume to take home for an additional 30.00

2) Return it to our collection and receive a 5.00 cashback for your pocket! Or, keep it for credit with GMB Dance, or donate it to the scholarship program!

Recital 2023

Videography & Editing: Marcie Clowry