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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

December Updates

2022 is nearly over! We celebrate some of the recent achievements of the past year and get ready for the excitement of 2023!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

November Updates

We are already nearing the end of November! And as we fly into the December season, don’t forget to mark your calendars for some special dates!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

October Updates

October has brought so many treats to GMB Dance! Thank you for a fantastic first session. Let’s get ready for Session 2!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

September Updates

With the first session of the new year, the excitement grows. A heartfelt thank you to this wonderful community and the strength we find in each other.

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

August Updates

Here's to a great new season and all the possibilities! 🤗

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

July Updates

Summer is flying by and we are having the best time! Check out all the neat things GMB Dance has been up to!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

June Updates

We did it! The first season of GMB Dance has come to a terrific finish! Congratulations to everyone! Looking forward to the summer and beyond…

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

May Updates

As we take our final steps towards our year-end recital, a great big congratulations goes out to all the GMB Dancers for the many remarkable steps taken so far!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

April Updates

It is such fun to be sharing all the wonderful milestones Session 4 has to offer with the fantastic GMB Dance Community!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

March Updates

Spring is here! And so is the next exciting adventure for GMB Dance!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

February Updates

As much as the cold and snow have challenged us this winter, we have found warmth and inspiration in and out of the studio!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

January Updates

January is here! And with it comes lots to enjoy now and lots to look forward to!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

December Updates

A hearty congratulations to all for a wonderful second session, and all the best wishes for a very Happy New Year!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

November Updates

As we approach the end of November, we begin to gear up for the magic of the next season!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

October Updates

End of Session 1, start of Session 2! We’re making lots of new friends, memories and amazing steps forward!

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole

September Updates

The month is rushing by! Let’s take a moment to reflect on the magic and get ready for more great things to come.

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Jennifer Cole Jennifer Cole


Hello! A little bit about me :)

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