Organizing Your Class Time
☙ Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning. ❧
~ Winston Churchill
Two thoughts that can bring a sense of dread to any teacher when starting a new class:
How am I going to fill the time?
How will I get through everything I want to?
My appreciation of Lesson Planning is endless. I place the value of my teaching notebook very highly in my life. Having a go-to guide to help keep me on track with all the things I want to do and options for when I need support in either filling out or switching up the energy of my classes means the difference between stress and satisfaction.
We want to teach so many things in our classes, and there are so many genres and styles that require different exercises and ways of transmitting the information.
However, we all have to work within the parameters of time. For example, we could have an Advanced 45-minute class or an Intermediate 2-hour class. We could see our Primaries for 30 minutes, or an hour and 30 minutes. Managing time is a challenge, but having a plan for breaking down and building up the amount we have to work with is helpful.
I hope these guides help alleviate some angst when deciding how to structure your classes.
Let me know your thoughts!